Kitten Care

Consider obtaining and preparing the following before you bring you new cat home:
A litter tray filled with cat litter;
A warm and comfy bed preferably in a quiet area which is free of draught;
Water and food bowls; and,
If possible a scratching post.
Cats are playful creatures therefore a collection of toys will be beneficial, these can be quite simple and inexpensive; - a cardboard box with holes cut in it, scrunched up newspaper balls, table tennis balls, small stuffed mice…toy mice that is – these can be bought a Flynns Pet Shop in Bathurst Street Hobart. All these items are a good suggestion however experience has proven that humans are the very best toys.!!!
Try to bring your new cat/kitten home on a quiet day when not much is happening. Keep in mind that your new friend is almost certain to at the least quite apprehensive. Try not to over handle it, keep it free of loud noise, lots of visitors or boisterous activity for a few days until it has confidence it itself and its new environment. Show it where its litter box, bed, food and toys are located. Try not to relocate these as it will confuse the cat. Ensure that the litter tray is not too close to the feeding area as cats are fastidious creatures and will not use the tray if it is too close to the food. After eating place your cat in the litter tray and praise it after it has been used. Re-inforce good behaviour. Keep the litter tray cleaned, as cats will avoid using soiled litter. Allow for a daily playtime with your new friend, this hastens the bonding process and is fun for both of you. It will be necessary to keep your cat confined indoors for a minimum of 2 weeks, after that allow it outside for a short time, but only with supervision.

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